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File Created: 18-Feb-2014 by Garry J. Payie (GJP)
Last Edit:  07-Feb-2022 by Garry J. Payie (GJP)

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Name ROHAN Mining Division Atlin
BCGS Map 104M096
Status Showing NTS Map 104M15W
Latitude 059º 58' 18'' UTM 08 (NAD 83)
Longitude 134º 58' 56'' Northing 6648250
Easting 501000
Commodities Molybdenum Deposit Types L05 : Porphyry Mo (Low F- type)
Tectonic Belt Coast Crystalline Terrane Nisling, Plutonic Rocks
Capsule Geology

The Rohan showing is located to the west of Bennett Lake, approximately 27 kilometres south-southwest of Carcross.

The showing is underlain by Middle to Late Cretaceous granites that are in contact to the immediate east with metamorphic rocks of the Devonian to Middle Triassic Boundary Metamorphic Suite.

In 2011, a helicopter assisted stop was made to examine rocks near the west end of one of the larger ovoid EM geophysical anomalies (Assessment Report 32448). The site is underlain by a moderately pyritic quartz-diorite stock, hosting minor quartz-pyrite plus/minus molybdenite veining as well as silica-rehealed fractures. Small pods of semi-massive brassy pyrite also occur. At least two other intrusive pulses were noted: one consists of weakly feldspar porphyritic diorite with 1-2 per cent fine-grained pyrite; the other consists of feldspar megacrystic diorite to monzonite.

Work History

Very little historic work has been recorded within the current Rohan tenure area belonging to Eagle Plains Resources Ltd. Reconnaissance stream sediment sampling was reportedly completed in the region in 1981.

Most of the 2011 exploration by Eagle Plains Resources consisted of an airborne electromagnetic and magnetic geophysical survey. The 204 line-kilometre survey was completed along idealized 100-metre-spaced flight-lines, at a nominal terrain clearance of 30 to 40 metres. The 2011 airborne geophysical survey highlights numerous strong EM anomalies including at least two kilometre-scale ovoid anomalies, plus several linear anomalies associated with regional lithologic contacts.

The 2013 exploration program by Rosedale Resources LTD consisted of one day of helicopter supported silt sampling, detailed follow up silt sampling and minor prospecting and geological mapping. Detailed silt sampling was completed to follow up on a Regional Silt Sample (RGS) anomaly of 217 parts per billion gold draining from the northwest part of the property. The 2013 program resulted in the collection of 29 silt samples, 2 soil samples and 6 rock samples. The detailed silt sampling confirmed and expanded on the original RGS results yielding values of up to 767 parts per billion gold and 8 parts per billion silver (Sample KCRHS008, Assessment Report 34548).

During the 2013 field season, 1 to 3 metre wide highly recessive highly gossanous shear zones were discovered on the ridge above the silt anomalies. Dirt samples from the gossanous material yielded high values for many of the same elements found in the silt samples, including a sample returning 2.96 grams per tonne gold, and 18.4 grams per tonne silver; this sample also included highly anomalous values for arsenic (greater than 10,000 parts per million), antimony (346 parts per million), zinc (1810 parts per million) and lead (946 parts per million) (Sample CSRHD001, Assessment Report 34548). Another sample taken 1 kilometre to the south of CSRHD001 sampled a similar highly gossanous shear zone and yielded 174 parts per billion gold and 4.54 parts per million silver (Sample AHRHD001, Assessment Report 34548). Silt samples collected on the eastern slopes of the property also returned anomalous values for multiple elements. A rock sample (Sample AHRHR002, Assessment Report 34548) returned 286 parts per million molybdenum.

In 2014, Rosedale Resources conducted further silt and soil sampling, which returned mixed results (Assessment Report 35099). The program expanded the detail of the previous work in 2013 by sampling the ridge top on the western side of the Property and with further sampling of the creeks and areas draining the eastern and southern part of the Property specifically targeting three transects of the Llewellyn (Tally-Ho) Fault zone. Scree sampling results were mixed with some returning anomalous metal values, and others giving low values.

In 2014, Rosedale Resources took 6 soil- and 2 rock samples along an east-flowing creek approximately 500 metres north to approximately 1 kilometre northeast of the Bennett Lake showing (104M 032). All samples yielded low values.

In 2019, the Rohan property encompassed at least three known mineral occurrences, referred to as the Rohan (104M 111), Bennett Lake (104 032), and Gridiron (104M 001), a former producer. Work conducted on behalf of R.S. Rosenblat consisted of a topographical and lineament array analysis of the Rohan property and the immediate surrounding area. A total of 192 lineaments were catalogued, sectioned, and plotted on three separate Spider or Starburst diagrams. Two areas were identified as potential exploration targets: Area 1 (PTA) shows a distinctive circular feature with random oriented linears, some curved and some forming a radiating pattern from a central area; area 2 (STA) has no features other than two strong parallel linears.

For a quick visual summary of work completed in the Rohan and Bennett Lake showings area from 2011 to 2014, see Figure 5, Assessment Report 34548 (2013); Figure 4, Assessment Report 35099 (2014); and Figure 5 of Assessment Report 39015 (2019 compilation map of all previous work).

EMPR ASS RPT *32448, *34548, *35099, 39015
EMPR FIELDWORK 1987, pp. 217-231; 1990, pp. 139-144, 153-159
EMPR OF 1988-5
EMPR PF (In 104M General File - Claim map of 104M, 1970)
EMPR RGS 37, 1993
GSC MAP 19-1957; 94A; 711; 1418A; 1426
GSC OF 427; 2225, p. 42
GSC P 69-01A, pp. 23-27; 78-01A, pp. 69-70; 91-01A, pp. 147-153; 92-01A
GSC SUM RPT 1906, pp. 26-32; 1911, pp. 27-58